the temptations

美 [ðə tɛmˈteɪʃənz]英 [ðə tɛmpˈteɪʃənz]
  • 网络诱惑乐队;诱惑;诱惑合唱团
the temptationsthe temptations
  1. It takes a man of iron to resist some of the temptations that go with an important job like that .


  2. Even so , the temptations are too great for man to resist .


  3. They need proper protection to all the temptations and evils of society .


  4. Analysis of ceremonies and rituals in The Temptations of Big Bear


  5. Most of them are farmers who stay away from the temptations of the city .


  6. They are unable to stand against the temptations of the world , or of their old nature .


  7. Education produced intellectual ferment and the temptations of radicalism .


  8. So I come out with my little sheet music and it was Just My Imagination by the Temptations .


  9. I thought that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me .


  10. The temptations to which he was continually exposed .


  11. He admitted to doing wrong but declared the temptations were too strong for him to resist .


  12. But lifting exchange controls would expose bankrupt and ill-managed financial institutions to the temptations of the global capital markets .


  13. It is quite likely that Jesus spent that first year , after the temptations , ministering in Judea .


  14. Ultimately , getting rid of debt is like going on a financial diet ; it is not easy and the temptations to give in are high .


  15. Create an established time to second-guess yourself , a time when you know your commitment won 't be weakened by the temptations of the moment .


  16. First and foremost , children must be taught enough to read and understand God 's Word , so that they may serve him and avoid the temptations of Satan .


  17. Certified Public Accountant may be due to the temptations of cheating with the same operator together to deceive shareholders and creditors , thus causing the financial fraud .


  18. Some of them can 't resist the temptations and So the issue whether children should grow up in the countryside or in the big city has been widely debated .


  19. The temptations to temporise will be enormous .


  20. As previous storms in history have gathered , when unspeakable crimes were within our power to stop them , we have been warned against the temptations of looking the other way .


  21. In fact , I love indulging in carnivorous delights – I have even overcome my beef with pigs – and sometimes stand weak before the temptations of the flesh .


  22. This is when you 'll face the temptations to change your path direction but your chart indicates you are on the right track just need to " keep the faith " because the universe is backing you .


  23. He 's a one-man morality play about the temptations of mammon and the seduction of applause , a Faustian parable with a stethoscope .


  24. He liked a good dinner and he liked strong drink ; and , though he thought it immoral and degrading to yield to them , he was unable to resist the temptations of the bachelor society in which he moved .


  25. You must push away the many temptations that are always present or your schedule is useless .


  26. We 've recorded a song , I Know , for The Fighting Temptations soundtrack .


  27. We are all looking for help with the various temptations , sins , and shortcomings that make up our lives .


  28. The Oriental Temptations dinner buffet from IP Caf é at Island Pacific Hotel offers traditional delights with a contemporary twist


  29. Muslim parents living as a minority in a non-Muslim country are required to take care of their children so that they do not fall prey to the many temptations around them .


  30. We all fight the same temptations , and " all of us have sinned . " Millions have felt what you 're feeling and have faced the same struggles you 're facing right now .
